Whitepapers & Guides

Technical Guides

The first two guides are intended for those who wish to get involved in the retrieval of data for evidence or testing purposes. They describe the use of MS Query in retrieving data from database sources. Retrieve them in the order they are presented.

Pocket Checklists

These checklists, covering the critical risks associated with chosen topics, are intended as supplements to the work of audit, risk management and IT security professionals.

  • Routers – 10 Important Risks -This paper will extend your knowledge about router risks and controls – it will be most useful to auditors that specialise in technology.
  • Top 13 Project Risks – It turns out that thirteen is unlucky for projects too! Consult this list of frequently occurring risk issues to manage them before they manage you.
  • 12 Top Contract Risks – This guide contains a lot of information about key contract risks.
  • Inventions and Ideas – Many organisations have to protect or patent their intellectual property – this guide helps focus on risks in this area
  • eCommerce Project Risk – Of course we are all going electronic, but eCommerce projects open up a new area of risks that need to be controlled in order to have a successful outcome.
  • Application Service Providers – We increasingly outsource our non-core business activities – but are we considering all of the risks?

Business Tools & Resources


Project Management

  • Project Risk – A (customisable) template for evaluating project risk – created by MindGrove v5.0 2011 requires MS Word 2007 or later.

Managing, Microsoft, Cisco and IBM Environments