Facebook announces new security… but is it enough?

Facebook has just published an article entitled Keeping You Safe from Scams and Spam. It’s all about improving security on its network. In the past, Facebook has seemed curiously reluctant to do anything which might impede traffic. After all, Facebook’s revenue doesn’t come from protecting you, the user. It comes from the traffic you generate […]

Dad catches daughters on webcam: – Facebook viral link

Facebook is being hit by another viral message, spreading between users’ walls disguised as a link to a saucy video. The messages, which are spreading rapidly, use a variety of different links but all claim to be a movie of a dad catching his daughters making a video on their webcam: [VIDEO] DAD CATCHES DAUGHTERS […]

{ Codebutler } Firesheep – 3 Weeks later: Fallout

In only a few short weeks, Firesheep has captured the attention and interest of hundreds of thousands of people around the world, and has spurred a lot of great discussion. This is the third in a series of posts highlighting and responding to topics I found most interesting. Previous post in series: Idiot Shepherds This […]

{ Coodebutler } Firesheep – Over a week later

In only one week, Firesheep has captured the attention and interest of hundreds of thousands of people around the world, and has spurred a lot of great discussion. This is the second in a series of posts highlighting and responding to topics I found most interesting. Previous post in series: Ethics and Legality In addition […]

{ Codebutler } Firesheep – 1 Week Later

In only one week, Firesheep has captured the attention and interest of hundreds of thousands of people around the world, and has spurred a lot of great discussion. This is the first in a series of posts highlighting and responding to topics I found most interesting. I’ve received hundreds of messages from people who are […]

{ Codebutler } Firesheep – 1 Day Later

This was certainly an interesting day. As I told TechCrunch: I went back and forth trying to predict what the reaction might be. Initially before Firesheep was completed I thought there might be moderate interest, but then after doing more research found a lot of one-off articles discussing this same issue that were essentially ignored. […]

{ Codebutler } – Firesheep

When logging into a website you usually start by submitting your username and password. The server then checks to see if an account matching this information exists and if so, replies back to you with a “cookie” which is used by your browser for all subsequent requests. It’s extremely common for websites to protect your […]