Open Tabs – Intro

I have been having less and less time lately to post things on which led me to write the recent post ‘Not enough hours in the day’ and has been causing me to feel a little guilty. So I have decided to borrow an idea from Martin McKeay of at

As I’m on the move I do try and follow Twitter and other blogs as I’m travelling to and from something on my to do list and always want to share it. Or if I get really interested I decide to ‘re-tweet’ it to 1. share it with followers but deep down it’s to save me having to remember it and means I can go back to my own Twitter feed and find it.

So, I thought I would post my ‘open-tabs’. The items, articles, stories and general stuff I have open in all my browsers on my various devices. Things I have found interesting and things I like to make a note of to perhaps come back to later and also the things I would like to give my thoughts on but simply don’t have time but would like to still provoke discussion about.

So….here comes Open-Tabs number one! –

This entry was written by Zac , posted on Sunday November 06 2011at 10:11 am , filed under Open Tabs, Security, Surveillance State and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink . Post a comment below or leave a trackback: Trackback URL.

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